Why Women Don't Just Leave
Why didn't you just leave?
"Because he threatened to kill me"
Why didn't you just leave?
"Because I had no where to go"
Why didn't you just leave?
"Because he said he would take my kids and leave the country"
Why didn't you just leave?
"Because he controlled all of our finances and assets. Nothing was in my name. He didn't allow me to work"
Why didn't you just leave?
"I had no where to go. No family or friends to turn to"
Why didn't you just leave?
"I couldn't even think clearly. He kept me up all night. His demands on me constantly changing. It was like living in a warzone"
Why didn't you just leave?
"I had two young children with special needs I was caring for"
"It's not so easy to just leave. My ex-husband told me that the only way out of our marriage was in a body bag. He meant that. I left with the help of the police. He was arrested and held in jail for dangerousness. The police took his passport so he couldn't take our kids out of the country. He told me where he would put my body. When people who have never lived through this kind of abuse say things like "Well I would NEVER allow someone to treat me like that". If someone did that to me I would be out the door" please understand even if you don't mean it, those comments are hurtful. My job was to protect my children and to stay alive for them. It's easy to sound tough if you're not living with the enemy. My husband at the time had every weapon imaginable at his hands. It wasn't a game. It was a matter of life and death. Just like it is for so many many other victims of domestic abuse".
We leave when we can.
That's When Women Leave. ....................WHEN....................WE....................CAN.