Huron County SafePlace is a resource for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault. SafePlace is a local non-profit and is funded solely by individual contributions. That means that SafePlace is supported by people like you, in communities like yours, that want to take care of their own. More than just a shelter, SafePlace provides residential & non-residential comprehensive services to women & children from all over Huron, Sanilac, & Tuscola counties.
What is SafePlace?

Huron County SafePlace is a resource for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault. SafePlace is a local non-profit and is funded solely by individual contributions. That means that SafePlace is supported by people like you, in communities like yours, that want to take care of their own. More than just a shelter, SafePlace provides residential & non-residential comprehensive services to women & children from all over Huron, Sanilac, & Tuscola counties.
What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, threats, and emotional abuse. The frequency and severity of domestic violence can vary dramatically.
But, Domestic Violence doesn't happen in the Thumb does it?

Unfortunately, domestic violence affects even small communities like ours. For the full details on SafePlace and why it was created, check out this video.
Domestic Violence in Michigan

Michigan domestic violence programs provide services to victims/survivors (Statistics available here and at ncadv.org).
*All services are free & confidential.